Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Children’s Therapist & Life Coach
I am Tim Langhorn and I have been working in the City of Bath, since 2006. However, my therapeutic career began way before then. It goes back to the beginning of the nineteen eighties. I was twenty-one when I left my North London family home and moved to Norwich. To work in a therapeutic family centre.
It was here, I encountered families in need of professional intervention. Adults and children with challenging behaviours or emotional trauma. Counselling children in care. Mentoring adult and young offenders. Supporting parents with toddlers tantrums or challenging teens.
Some years later I returned to London, where I worked in a number of children’s homes, assessment units and independent units. Some of my work involved relocating runaways, found by the Police in London’s Kings Cross. My career continued into education. I worked with over fifty schools in Hertfordshire. Supporting pastoral care staff and parents, where issues of truancy or social exclusion were prevalent.
As time progressed, my work diversified. I worked on national helplines for parents and child protection. I worked as a senior counselling supervisor and trainer at ChildLine’s national headquarters in central London. Later moving to the head office of Parentline Plus, as a regional manager for London and the South East of England.
I came to realise, the higher up one goes in an organisation, the less contact there is with clients. So, I decided to quit and worked instead, as an agency worker across London and Hertfordshire. Working for long established charities, such as Barnardo’s and the NCH (later renamed Action for Children).
This was my return to what I enjoy the most. Direct work, supporting adults and children manage the challenges and hurt in their lives. So, enabling them to secure a better quality of life.
Therapy and Coaching Practice in the City of Bath
At the end of 2005 I relocated to the beautiful City of Bath. A few months later, I set up the business I now have today. Tim Langhorn hypnotherapist, counsellor and life coach.
While I persevered building my business, I did some work for a local school, assisting them integrate an autistic pupil, into mainstream school life. I also worked in three very different roles with Barnardo’s. Initially, a group conference co-ordinator, to help keep babies and toddlers from going into care. Then, as an advisor for parents regarding their children’s welfare and behaviour. Finally, a volunteer co-ordinator with Barnardo’s children’s services.
To this day I still work with a national charity supporting vulnerable adults to live an independent life. People with challenging mental health, learning disabilities, as well as alcohol or drug dependency. All living in Bath.
Here to Offer Help, Support and Guidance
I continue to find ways to reach as many people as I can. Because I know that my help, could make the difference to many more adults or children in Bath, Wiltshire and Somerset. People who want to make lasting changes that will give them a more positive and rewarding future.
They say variety is the spice of life. Well Tim certainly agrees. Tim Langhorn believes it enhances his ability to connect to the different people within the community. Because Tim considers this will make him a wiser and more experienced professional
In 2013 I became a volunteer with a local emergency blood bike group. A local charity called Freewheelers. Delivering vital specimens, medication, medical provisions, equipment and resources.
The work has involved riding in all weathers, to ensure this vital life saving work continues to help the many thousands of NHS patients. People I never actually meet.
It is well documented that volunteering can bolster a persons self esteem. So, it is important work, not just for the NHS or the patients, but also for myself and all the other volunteers involved throughout the UK.