Children’s Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy with Children

Can hypnosis and hypnotherapy be used with children and will children respond well to this form of therapy?

Yes it can. As children experiencing hypnotherapy will utilise their imagination. And drift off into their own inner world.  They may well conjure up all kinds of adventures or stories, while under hypnosis. Very much like daydreaming. Something which comes quite naturally to them.

Children experiencing hypnotherapy find it a very natural and safe process. With no adverse side effects.  Everything is done to ensure your child learns how to relax. Enabling them to maximise their ability to manage future events with confidence.

A majority of children I meet have no experience of hypnotherapy. Therefore, my aim is to ensure children understand the process of hypnotherapy. And feel happy with it. Children under sixteen will always have a parent or carer in the room during each hypnotherapy session.

Below are the most common phobias I help children overcome.

         The fear of…                                Name given…

  • Dentist                                      Dentophobia
  • Needles/injections              Trypanophobia
  • Flying                                        Aerophobia
  • Blood                                        Hemophobia
  • School                                      Scolionophobia
  • Birds                                          Ornithophobia
  • Confined spaces                   Claustrophobia
  • Open spaces/crowds          Agoraphobia
  • Buttons                                    Koumpounophobia
  • Thunder/lightening            Astraphobia
  • Vomiting                                    Emetophobia
  • Speaking in public                Glossophobia
  • Spiders                                      Arachnophobia
  • Dogs                                           Cynophobia
  • The Dark                                   Nyctophobia
  • Heights                                      Acrophobia
  • Insects                                       Insectophobia
  • Germs                                        Verminophobia
  • Snakes                                      Ophidiophobia
Children's counsellor, children's counselling, adult counselling, adult counsellor, teenager counselling, teenager counsellor, young people's counselling, young people's counsellor information with Tim Langhorn - Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Life Coach & Children's Therapist in Bath BA23QU
Contact Tim on the form below
If you would like an initial call-back, please add your telephone number above. If not, just leave it blank
Please give a brief summary of how you think Tim can help and any symptoms or behaviours you are currently experiencing.

Children’s hypnotherapy include positive suggestions for confidence and self-esteem.  The process is aimed at helping your child overcome or manage the presenting symptom.

Confidentiality and your child’s welfare is my prime concern. Everything I do or say is always done with that in mind. Please see my statement on confidentiality on my session information page.

Initial Consultation

Contact me to arrange a  time for an initial consultation. All your questions can be answered and we can agree and decide together how to take things forward.

Email Tim: [email protected]