Counselling Bath

Person centred counselling for adults

I offer adult counselling therapy from my consultation room in Bath. In order to improve emotional well-being and manage unwanted or unnecessary thoughts and feelings. I am trained in Rogerian person centred counselling and have been working therapeutically in a professional capacity since 1982.

My counselling service in Bath aims to support your understanding of a current situation. As well as accept that you do have choices in the way you feel. This is whats called psycho-dynamic counselling therapy. And the techniques and skills used, enable you to explore the issues which are causing concern or distress.

These issues may be such as:

  • Grief or trauma over a relationship or situation
  • Obsessive thoughts over people or events
  • Loss of a loved one or pet
  • Constant anger or frustration
  • Low self esteem or self worth
  • A relationship breakdown
  • Life getting you down or depressed
  • Feeling sad, lonely or desperate
  • Questions or dilemmas from the past
  • Work life causing you stress or getting you down

Dealing with feelings and emotions

You may just have feelings you do not want or do not understand. Your head maybe full of conflicting thoughts. There may be a struggle within your unconscious mind over events or situations. Counselling can help you deal with any of these thoughts or feelings. It is possible these feelings have always been there. Or it might be a more recent way of thinking or feeling. Either way, the counselling service I provide, can help you better understand and manage these thoughts and feelings.

You may well find support from family or friends. After all they know you and to a degree will understand you. They will be  kind, sympathetic and have your best interests at heart. However, they may not be able to stay objective. And it’s not necessarily sympathy you need. Sometimes you need someone who is able to listen objectively, without emotional interference, to stay fully focused and non-judgemental at all times. That’s where a professional counselling therapist can help.

Counselling for Men & Women

I fully recognise that counselling men and women can be very different. That old adage ‘Men are from Mars, women from Venus’, says it all to some degree. We are not of course from differing planets. But right from the start boy’s and girls are often treated differently, think differently, engage in conversations and use their emotions differently.

As a therapist I would never want to stereotype men or women. I work with each person in a totally unique and individualistic way. It is often said that men struggle to get in touch with their feelings or know what to do with them when they do. Some might say that women get overly emotional or talk about their feelings too openly. I don’t see things that black and white and have learnt there are many exceptions to the rule. I know men who do talk about feelings and are in touch with their emotional side. I have also known women who are closed off from their feelings. So it is definitely not one size fits all with gender.

Suffice to say that people come in various sizes, shapes and personalities. We all have feelings and we all have emotions. There is no right or wrong way for men or women to use or manage their emotional state of being. We are all just different. And it’s that difference which makes it such a wonderful world to live in. It is also that difference, which makes my life as a counselling therapist, such an interesting and worthwhile profession.

Counselling Bath

Tim Langhorn has been counselling adults, young people and children for more than four decades.

Contact Tim Langhorn
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Please give a brief summary of how you think Tim can help and any symptoms or behaviours you are currently experiencing.

Email Tim: [email protected]